copyright by Tiziana Arnaboldi
Teatro San Materno, the Home of Dance, in a Conversation Between Arts
The historic buildings of Ascona’s Teatro San Materno were constructed in Bauhaus
style in 1928 for dancer Charlotte Bara. In 2017, thanks to the vision of dancer and
choreographer Tiziana Arnaboldi, new significance is set to be added to the theatre’s
Dance remains at the heart of the Teatro San Materno, just as it was at the time of
the divine dancer Charlotte Barra. Today though, dance, as an art, is also to become
a catalyst for a wider conversation between the arts, with architects, poets,
philosophers and musicians entering into a dialogue of contrast based on research,
productions, performances and languages which complete each other, and resonate
both with each other and our culture.
The site is aiming to become a genuinely international workshop for contemporary
art research, thanks also to another special element being added to the mixture: the
chance for artists in residence to spend periods actually in residence in the Bauhaus
apartments which form part of the building.
The ability to create beauty, as truth and hope, is of paramount importance to the the
creative process and persists as one of the deepest aspirations of the human soul.
Together with other colleagues and artists, my purpose is to re-discover the freedom
of playing and the pleasure of hiding, of first becoming lost to re-awaken creativity
and the joy of remaining true to oneself and one’s personal vision.
Tiziana Arnaboldi
Artistic direction
photo Reza Khatir